Thursday, September 3, 2020

Change of Expectations of Men and Women in 1800s Essay

Change of Expectations of Men and Women in 1800s - Essay Example Older folks in those days accepted that these errands helped the ladies to keep fit as a fiddle since it assisted with reinforcing their muscles and organs. As indicated by ladies nowadays, the accentuation is laid on invigorating their mind through extreme examining and in this way they disregard their physical make-up making it frail and helpless against sickness. In a privileged, where work is disrespected, it is standard for the lower class to work for the advantage and pleasure in the high society yet this isn't so in a majority rule government where work is regarded in light of the fact that everybody buckles down for themselves and their own government assistance. Such high law based standards can be found in Christianity, where the youngster is educated at a youthful age to do administration to other people. Jesus Christ is the best model one can take to see his generous mentality towards his race and Christian standards and lessons depend on this. Great Christian guardians should make sure that they render the most ideal preparing in excellencies to their kids with the goal that they would grow up to be big-hearted and generous to surrounding them. Talking on the post Civil War Gwendolyn Wright addresses us about those individuals who moved to suburbia to get away from the issues of unexpected weakness and political and social distress. Pleasant scenes and the utilization of normal materials for structures carried them all the more near nature. In any case, the decades after the Civil war saw suburbia take on an alternate ramifications. Those families who could manage the cost of a house in suburbia were named as â€Å"middle class†. The religion of home and parenthood arrived at its apex in the most recent many years of the nineteenth century. Individuals living in suburbia all the time would visit the city to appreciate the eateries, parks, galleries and other energizing things the city brought to the table.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nickel and Dimed

Bothered Barbara Ehrenreichs book, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, depicts the encounters the writer experienced when she relinquished her great life and went covert in order to see with her own eyes how it feels to function for a time-based compensation of $6 to $7. Rather than just tuning in to the records of others, she chose to head out to Florida, Maine, and Minnesota, with the expectation of accepting the job of a lowest pay permitted by law worker. Ehrenreich worked and held up in each area for about a month. In spite of the fact that she was working all day, she thought that it was difficult to address her issues sufficiently and she was frequently compelled to complete two occupations one after another to make a decent living. The creator chose to go on this test with the expectation of setting up whether the measure of cash paid to low-wage laborers is sufficient for their food. Ehrenreich’s exposeâ' has uncovered such huge numbers of things to me concernin g the circumstance of the low-wage laborers in America. Though the encounters that the creator experienced were enthralling, I didn't get the inclination that she truly foreseen to accomplish something in her precarious examination. In any case, in the wake of getting her perspective from her own encounters, the distinction between the rich and the poor has gotten considerably increasingly obvious to me.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Nickel and Dimed explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More To begin her analysis, Ehrenreich chose to go to Key West, Florida, which was close to her home to attempt to discover a work there (Ehrenreich, 2008). Fortunately, she got selected to fill in as a server in a coffee shop style café and found an effectiveness condo thirty miles from the city to live in. Nonetheless, the installment she got from the activity was not really satisfactory to support her and pay for the following month’s lease. Accord ingly, she picked a second activity at a nearby lodging to fill in as a servant. Strikingly, she couldn't adapt to the two occupations. Ehrenreich then left the house keeper position following one day and the server position additionally turned out to be similarly requesting. In this manner, she left the place of employment even before the month's end. In the wake of withdrawing from Florida, Ehrenreich went to Portland, Maine, where she figured out how to find a new line of work with The Maids, a private housekeeping administration, and she likewise functioned as a dietary associate in a nursing home to get by. The two occupations constrained her to labor for seven days every week and she figured out how to stick it out until the month's end. She found that working with The Maids was both truly requesting and paying small wages. Also, she felt that the work was debasing to her. A remarkable encounter she depicts is the point at which one of the servants got harmed while playing out her obligations and in spite of the fact that she fruitlessly attempted to upset the ordinary tasks at the private housekeeping administration, she figured out how to persuade the administration to give the harmed house keeper a three day weekend. Serving in the nursing home, the creator wound up taking care of the necessities of the considerable number of patients in the entire Alzheimer’s segment. What's more, she dreaded committing any error that could make more mischief her patients as she had little understanding at work. The third area picked for the trial was Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she thought that it was progressively troublesome both to get a business opportunity and a sensibly evaluated loft to remain in. It was difficult for her to get a condo in the city in light of the fact that the opening rate was short of what one percent. In any case, after vivacious endeavors, she was utilized by Wal-Mart as a â€Å"softlines† specialist and she found an overv iew inn to remain in, which compromised her wellbeing and legitimate rest around evening time. Accordingly, to improve her states of living, she moved to a more pleasant inn. The work at Wal-Mart was dreary and repetitive, yet in addition very low paying that made her to battle in meeting her needs.Advertising Looking for research project on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This made her to accept that the laborers at the organization are working themselves excessively hard contrasted with the pitiful wages they get. Curiously, when she was leaving each activity in all the three areas, she never saw a sensational reaction from the laborers she uncovered to that her fundamental aim was to compose a book about her encounters. The representatives appeared to be up to speed such a great amount in their low paying occupations that none of them demonstrated any enthusiasm for her genuine explanations behind clear ing the positions. Perusing the encounters that Ehrenreich experienced astounded and stunned me, also. Significantly, it made me change my observation about the people in America who get by on low-wage occupations. In spite of the fact that I had the assessment that people living in trailer lofts were thinking that its difficult to make a decent living, I had not completely imagined that they were living in regrettable conditions that in any event, managing a trailer condo would appear to be troublesome. Worth referencing, I additionally thought about that people on low-wage employment would be equipped for meeting in any event their fundamental needs, for example, sufficient food and asylum. Be that as it may, perusing the book promptly opened my eyes concerning how much those on the lowest pay permitted by law strive to bear the cost of the fundamental things, not referencing the extravagances. Bothered uncovers this issue through the encounters that the creator experienced in var ious areas in the United States. The bewildering exposeâ' that the creator makes has changed my assessment with respect to various social issues. I concur with the author’s guarantee that lowest pay permitted by law representatives speak to the biggest, most altruistic class of the American workforce in light of the numerous difficulties that they need to handle so as to endure. Remarkably, Ehrenreich’s contention has made me to understand that lowest pay permitted by law laborers in America are perhaps one of the most disregarded portions of the country’s workforce. The point on how much an American laborer ought to be paid at least is regularly a dubious one (Waltman, 2000). The issue regularly lights banters in the social and political circles. Notwithstanding, as Ehrenreich brings up, hardly any people are truly inspired by methods of improving the lives of the low-workers. At the point when enactment is passed to expand the measure of the lowest pay permit ted by law in the nation, the administration and others for the most part give more consideration on the reaction of the businesses while ignoring the impacts of this in the genuine existences of the beneficiaries of the legislation.Advertising We will compose a custom research project test on Nickel and Dimed explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The book has prevailing with regards to uncovering this extraordinary arrangement of social separation that is as yet common in the American culture. Subsequently, the course of low-workers is still seriously hurt. Prior to perusing the book, I had the discernment that lowest pay permitted by law occupations didn't require any â€Å"skills† to perform. In any case, the clarification that Ehrenreich gives has made me to suspect something. Ehrenreich, a writer with a Ph.D. degree, found that difficult work was truly requesting, exhausting, mortifying, and required amazing demonstrations of flexibility, center, great a nd quick reasoning, and exactness to perform. She additionally discovered that constant and repeating development prompts the danger of combined injury issue (CT). For one to convey results as a lowest pay permitted by law laborer, one must have the option to suffer torment in order to hold a situation in a market with consistent returns. Likewise, Ehrenreich brings up the acts of neglect of the individuals in the administration position who make the entire experience of low-workers to be much increasingly blue. They frequently upset the workers efficiency and urge those they oversee to perform debasing and uninteresting obligations. In the book, Ehrenreich subtleties the issues and sufferings of the people who, either because of absence of experience or different causes, need to initiate their vocations at the base by acquiring low-compensation. Her clarification uncovers that they think that its difficult to get by, and considerably progressively hard to produce ways ahead. I woul d likewise anticipate that it should be loaded with hardships and challenges. Be that as it may, I am not sure if the creator anticipated that it should be so troublesome and I am likewise not certain if her experience was long enough to empower her make the affirmations or in the event that she gave a valiant effort in her covert examinations. Regardless, as called attention to before, a considerable lot of the issues she has raised are real. The interesting book, Nickel and Dimed, was elegantly composed and it merits perusing for opening the eyes of the perusers with respect to the lowest pay permitted by law work in America. Reference List Ehrenreich, B. (2008). Bothered: on (not) getting by in America. New York: Henry Holt Co. Waltman, J. L. (2000). The Politics of the lowest pay permitted by law. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press.Advertising Searching for research paper on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More

Friday, August 21, 2020

Racism In Huck Finn Essay -- essays research papers fc

Bigotry in Huck Finn      Ever since it was composed, Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn has been a novel that numerous individuals have discovered upsetting. Albeit some contend that the novel is amazingly bigot, cautious perusing will demonstrate the polar opposite. As of late particularly, there has been an expanding banter over what some will call the bigot thoughts in the novel. Sometimes the novel has even been restricted by state funded educational systems and controlled by open libraries. The reason for the discussion is the manner by which Jim, a dark slave and one of the primary characters, is portrayed. In any case, if one somehow happened to take a gander at the fundamental subjects in the novel, they would understand that it isn't bigot and could even be viewed as an enemy of - bondage novel.      The most well known issue individuals have with this book is the utilization of the word â€Å"nigger†. It must be remebered that during this timeframe it was not thought of a lot of an insullt. You can likewise see in the book it was not implied upsettingly by Huck, or taken disagreeably by Jim. This is the thing that Stephan Shepard needed to state about the restricting of the book and the utilization of the word â€Å"nigger†: Notwithstanding expelling Mark Twain's tale from the required understanding rundown, the region chose to utilize a controlled rendition of the novel on its discretionary rundown. In fact, the restriction is minor the notorious "n-word" is erased all through the novel - in any case, it isn't just an unscrupulous modification of Twain's specialty, it is likewise an out of line endeavor to authorize the flavors of a couple upon all understudies in the locale. (Shepard 1) Likewise a section in The New York Times called attention to, "Huckleberry Finn is in consistent issue with educators, bookkeepers and guardians as a result of its emphasess of â€Å"nigger†, a word that has a preemptive power today that it didn't have in Huck Finn's Mississippi Valley of the 1840s" (Ritter 2).      Another part of the novel that some consider supremacist is the depiction of Jim. The first run through the peruser meets Jim, a negative portrayal is given. It is said that Jim is uneducated, innocent, not exceptionally splendid and incredibly odd. In any case, it is significant not to dismiss who is giving this depiction. In spite of the fact that Huck isn't actually a supremacist ... ... Twain intended no lack of regard to dark individuals in his novel Huckleberry Finn. It can even be said that this book was hostile to - bondage and accomplished more lack of regard to whites than blacks. Works Cited Allen, Micheal. Great Literary Criticisms. New York: Oxford University Press. 1981 Baldanza, Frank. Imprint Twain. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1961. Conn, Peter. Writing in America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Fishkin, Shelley F., Was Huck Black? (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p.3. Marx, Leo, "Huck at 100," The Nation, Aug. 31, 1985. Nichols, Timothy. Great Criticism. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1976 Ritter, Frank. â€Å"Polically Correct†. Operation - ed page, Tennessean Times. September eighteenth 1996. Shepherd, Stephen (Oak Leaf Staff Writer) â€Å"Was Mark Twain Racist?†. New York: Oxford college Press. 1983 Smiley, Jane, "Say It Ain't So, Huck," Harper's, January 1996. Twain, Mark. Undertakings of Huckleberry Finn The Norton Anthology of American Literature_. 2 vols. Ed. Nina Baym, et al. fourth. ed. New York: Norton, 1994. 29-214. Wallace John H, The Case Against Huck Finn

Monday, June 8, 2020

Financial Statement Analysis - A.G. Barr - Free Essay Example

Financial Statement Analysis Student Name Introduction A.G. Barr p.l.c. is based in United Kingdom it maufacture, distribute, and sell soft drinks. A.G. Barr. operates in carbonates and water. Company has a wide range of brandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s which includes IRN-BRU, Rubicon, Barr Brands, KA, Strathmore, Simply, Tizer, Dà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Nà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢B, St. Clementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, Findlays and Abbottà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. Company also has some partnership brands which includes Orangina, Rockstar and Snapple. The manufacturing area located in United Kingdom. Findlays Limited, subsidairy of A.G. Barr P.l.c., is engaged in Rubicon Drinks Limted and natural mineral water as well as the manufacture and distribution of soft drinks. Schweppes International Limited is also a franchise partner of A.G. Barr p.l.c in United Kingdom, authorized for manufactures and sells Orangina. It also has collaboration with Rockstar Inc. in the United States to sell and distribution of energy drink, Rockstar brand in Ireland and United Kingdom. The following pie-chart represent market share of soft drinks and low calorie drinks. They strategy have developed in a way to deliever long term growth in value and focusing on core brands and markets, brand portfolio, route to market, partnerships, efficient operations, people development, sustainablity and responsibility. Financial Review The business performance throughout 2013 of A.G. BARR has perform well in U.K soft drinks market especially in second half of the financial year with double digit growth rate. The economic conditions in the core market segments survied difficulties in 2012, as well as the increasing cost of promotion effect margins. A.G.BARR growth rate for volume and revenue increased more rapidly then the market in carbonates ans still segments. The overall growth of softdrinks experienced carbonates growth rate of 3.8% in value but decreases in terms of volume, showed growth of 1.9% with avolume declining 1%. In 2013 A.G. BARR carbonates volume increased by 6.0% and revenue increased by 7.1%. On the other hand stills also performed better with a growt h of 4.3% in revenue and 4.1% in volume. In addition to delievering a growth higher then the market and much of the build program associated with their new production and storage facility at Crossley Road, Milton Keynes. The Milton Keynes site is an important asset for future business developments. Adverse whether condition in 2012 impacted soft drinks category according to Nielsen research, reflects 0.7% decline while to volume grew by approximately 3%. Conumer participation in the carbonates category has remained at high level supported by price-driven promotions across the main brands. Ratios analysis over the last 3 years Profit Margin: According to the financial statements ended January 2013, Company declared a profit after tax of  £ 25.564 million which represent 10.76% of its sales. Current year revenue grew by approximately 7% from prior year and 3.42% on the basis of average growth rate from the last three year. Profit before tax and exceptional item in 2013 in creased by 4.3% but profit margin was slightly reduced in 2013 as compare to 2012, due to higher cost of goods. In 2012, observed as a climate of continued economic uncertainty and increasing cost. Despite these challenges companys profit before tax and exceptional item increased by 6.2% from 2011. In 2011, Profit before tax increased by 13.3% from 2010. In 2011 AG Barr observed 10.4% growth in revenue as compare to 7% in UK soft drink market. Current ratio: measure the financial stability of a company to pay its current liability. According to the financial statement, in 2013 current ratio represent 1.31(in times) thus company has enough to pay its financial obligation. Current ratio in 2012 represent 1.46 (in times) which shows that company financial stability in 2012 is better among 2011 and 2013. Quick ratio: measures the financial stability after deducting inventories and prepaid expense because they cannot be easily converted into cash at fair value. Quick ratio show cle arer picture then current ratio, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial stability in 2012 of having 1.043(in times) as compare to average 0.9 (in times) in the rest of year. Working capital: is defined as the financial ability of a company to pay its short term obligation. Working Capital is an important factor used to measure its financial health. Working Capital Management is the strategy of a company to maintain efficient levels of both asset and liabilities to improve their earnings. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. It involves management of inventories, cash, accounts payable and account receivable. Working capital is required to support the day to day business operation it is treated as life blood for smooth and effective business operations. Working capital in 2013 and 2011 is less as compare to the 2012. In 2012 company has  £ 20.934 millions more than its liabilities. Thus in 2012 company has managed their day to day operations effec tively. Dividend: A.G. Barrà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s efficient performance through the year enabled them to distribute per share dividend. In 2012 companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s profitability reflected in its dividend, declared  £ 25.96 per share, which is high through the rest of years. Inventory turnover ratio: measures the number of times the company sold its inventory throughout the year. AG Barr have inventory turnover of 6.51(in times) in year 2013 which means that company has 1.84 month of supply of inventory on hand. In 2012 and 2011, company has 2.02 (in times) and 2.05 (in times) months of supply of inventory on hand. ROE ROA: Return on equity in 2013 is greater then return on asset by 12.55% across the year it means that company is utilizing its asset perfectly as well as optimizing its debt effectively. It also shows that management is generating good result from shareholdersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ investment. Account receivable turnover: Account receivable shows cr edit policy of a company according to which average time allow to customer to pay their debt. In 2013, 12.64 days took to recover their credit sales. Among the three year, in 2012 company was recovering their sales quickly at the rate of 7.70 days as compare to the rest of years. Operating Risk: can be defined as the more the proportion of fixed cost and lower variable cost is said to be high operating leverage. A ratio which is commonly used to determine the effect of operating leverage at given level on the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s potential earning is calculated by dividing, % change in EBIT by % change in Sales. Financial Risk: is the use to debt in it is calculated by dividing % change in EPS by % change in EBIT. Financial risk is not dependent on sales because whether a company has high or low sales it has to pay fix interest. By calculating financial leverage of AG BARR it appears that only 1% change in EBIT, Earning per share would change by 0.93. Preparation of fina ncial statement: Financial statements of A.G. BARR p.l.c. have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"IFRSà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢) as adopted by the European Union. They have been prepared under the historical cost accounting rules except for the derivative financial instruments and the assets of the Group pension scheme which are stated at fair value and the liabilities of the Group pension scheme which are valued using the projected unit credit method. FINANCIAL MARKETS AND THEIR IMPACT Financial market is a market where an individual and corporation can trade financial securities, commodities. This table shows classification of market and instrument through which corporations can raise funds. Market Financial Asset Non-marketable Assets National savings certificate Certificate of Deposit Saving Deposit Money Market Treasury bills Commercial Paper Repurchase agreement Euro dollar Bankers acceptance Negotiable certificate of deposit Capital Market Common stock Preferred stock Fixed Income Corporate Bond Municipal Bond Investment Companies Unit Investment Trust Open End Mutual Fund Close End Exchange traded fund Raising funds from equity market may lead the investor to think that the company financial flexibility is weak, and they are unable to get funds from banks or other sources. Stock issue leads to decreased earnings per share. Raising capital from foreign investor involves two main risks which are relevant for foreign investor. They include economic risk and political risk. Economic risk is less in countries with strong and stable economy situation. On the other hand political risk is linked with the economic stability of a country. Political decision and policies plays an important role in an economy. Political risk also called sovereign risk, the ability of a company to pay its foreign financial obligation. Risk is defined as uncertainty. The indication of risk and reward guide the investor that it would have a possibility to loss some or whole of its investment, an investor may experience bullish trend on his investment. Risk and return are directly correlated. The more you tak e risk, the more the likely return is, because investor demands additional return for additional risk. In finance this relationship is known as the security market line. Common stock and corporate bonds are two asset classes. Corporate bond is a debt instrument and common stock is equity. Corporate bonds and, TFCs are issued by a corporation and sold to investors. Government bonds are less risky then corporate bonds. Common stock is riskier then corporate bond because if an organization goes bankrupt, common stock holders get last priority until debt holders and preferred stock holder have received their assets. But common stock holders have the possibility to earn greater or lower return as compare to stable return on corporate bonds. As far as A G BARR, capital structure for the last two years shows that debt weight-age of the total asset was 42.64% and 50.44% in 2012 and 2013 respectively. So the company has raised fund through debt in order to meet the financial need of compa ny. One of the major benefits by using debt financing is tax advantage and borrowing has a fixed return to stock holder. It has positive impact on the firm but because company failed to control its operating expenses, net profit in 2013 is less than 2012. Future Prospects A.G. BARR has observed a healthy performance in a marketplace impacted by the mixture of very poor summer weather conditions and the continuing economic challenges faced by consumer goods companies, especially raw material cost pressures and unpredictable consumer demand. Looking ahead it is doubtful that these challenges will significantly change, however they remain carefully confident that the combination of our established operating model, continued focus on efficiency, building brand equity, sound balance sheet and ability for growth prospect leave them well placed to continue to build on this performance. In the year ahead, they expect some decrease in the pace of input cost inflation which we expect to be at a low single digit level. Current market pricing for PET is down year on year, fruit pulp costs are lower but the cost of sugar remains persistently high Conclusion A.G. BARR has delivered strong financial performance in challenging year markets. Their products continue to respond well to equity investors. They have driven strong growth in revenue and volume and have continued to increase market share across the soft drinks market. Product and supply chain innovation enabled numbers of consumers to their brands. They are further investing in assets, acquiring additional capacity that enables them to grow according to consumer demands and in line with the market pace. Following a challenging 2011, last financial year survived with strong in terms of operational performance. Last year reported growth in products availability and customer service has improved and cost managed effectively. During 2012 the potential merger received overwhelming shareholder support. In 2013, financials reported profit before tax increased to  £ 35.0 million, showed 4.3% increase from the previous years. Earnings per share increased during the year by 10.9%. Their balance sheet measures have improved, showed net assets of  £130.6 million, during the year company also generated free cash flow to the firm of  £ 22.0 million. A.G. BARR p.l.c. group brands, as well as their franchise brand Rock star, showed 8.6% growth. This performance is above as compare to the market reflects that they continued opportunities to develop availability, innovation and distribution among their brands. Their geographical growth rates grew by 4%, and investment except U.K. grew by 12%, showing both important long term growth opportunities and comparably important share from their brands. Reference A.G. BARR p.l.c. Annual report 2013 pages 70 124 Results Announcement January 2013.pdf [Accessed: 12th May 2014] A.G. BARR p.l.c. Annual report 2012 pages 62 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 94 results announcement January 2012.pdf [Accessed: 12th May 2014]

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Benefits of Vaccinations Essay - 1148 Words

Introduction Vaccines against diphtheria, polio, pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella, and more recent additions of hepatitis B and chicken pox, have given humans powerful immune guards to ward off unwelcome sickness. And thanks to state laws that require vaccinations for kids enrolling in kindergarten, the U.S. presently enjoys the highest immunization rate ever at 77%. Yet bubbling beneath these national numbers is the question about vaccine safety. Driven by claims that vaccinations can be associated with autism, increasing number of parents are raising questions about whether vaccines are in fact harmful to children, instead of helpful (Park, 2008). Positives for Vaccinations For many years before the development of vaccines,†¦show more content†¦Negatives for Vaccinations More than any other matter, the question of autism has stirred the battle over vaccines. Since the 1980’s, the quantity of vaccinations that children get has doubled, and in that same time, autism diagnoses have tripled. In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist of Londons Royal Free Hospital published a paper in the journal the Lancet in which he stated the results of a study that he did. The study consisted of a dozen young patients who were suffering from both autism-like developmental disorders and intestinal symptoms that included inflammation, pain and bloating. Eight of the kids started showing signs of autism days after getting the MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. While Wakefield and his co-researchers were cautious not to propose that these cases established a link between vaccines and autism, they did imply, that exposure to the measles virus could be a causal factor to the childrens autism. Wakefield later went on to conjecture that virus from the vaccine led to swelling in the abdomen that affected the brain growth of the children (Park, 2008). This study among others has lead parents to begin to question whether they should immunize their children or not. There are many people who feel that the immunizations do more harm than they do good. These same people believe that the diseases for which vaccinations are given are not something that they have to worryShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Vaccinations For Vaccinations1793 Words   |  8 Pages Benefits of vaccinations The debate over vaccinations has been a prevalent one throughout the course of medical history. A vaccination is â€Å"the injection of a killed or weakened organism that produces immunity in the body against that organism† ( Vaccines are designed to provide immunization to certain illnesses. People of all ages are encouraged to get vaccinations not only to protect themselves but also for the safety of the public. Most children in the United States are given vaccinationsRead MoreThe Benefits Of Vaccination772 Words   |  4 Pageshealth benefits of vaccination according to World Health Organization (2008). First, the main goal of immunization is to eradicate illness. So far smallpox is the only one that is eradicated. According to World Health Organization next goal is to eradicate polio (Andre, Booy, Bock, Clemens, Datta, John, Lee Lolekha, 2008). Secondly, eradicating a disease locally without the eliminating it worldwide. For it happen, the immunization of 95% of population must be done with a two-dose vaccination programRead MoreBenefits Of Vaccination1438 Words   |  6 PagesWhy should we get vaccinated? What are the benefits? Do vaccinations even work? Many people in America are/have been questioning if they even need to get vaccinated. In fact, Between 2006 and 2013, the percentage of pediatricians who had encountered a parent refusing a vaccine went from about 75 percent to 87 percent. (Greenberg) There are many reaso ns why people refuse to get vaccinated, three of the major reasons is for religious purposes, they are unnecessary and that they have a negative effectRead MoreBenefits Of Vaccination933 Words   |  4 PagesA Vaccine Indicator Reminder device has been developed to monitor how much is left for the next vaccination. The wearable device is newborn babies that can be activated by pressing the VIR’s face with a finger. The device operates using predictable chemical processes, processes that rely on food dye, to keep the baby safe from adverse effects and failure of electronics. Vaccination is very important for babies and children. Immunizing your children can protect them from various diseases. Some deadlyRead MoreVaccinations Benefits Of The United States1514 Words   |  7 Pages Vaccinations Benefits Daniel ESL 100 Advanced Academic Writing Instructor Ishida 16 December 2015 Abstract With a development of media and technological ways of social communication, is it vital to trust information from the reliable sources. Many people who do not trust or not satisfied with the quality of medicine, and usually quest the material from unreliable sources. Therefore, matter of reliability of immunization is still a huge topic for debate. For example, people sometimesRead MoreSome of the Benefits of Vaccination Essays1307 Words   |  6 Pages The Benefits of Vaccination Vaccinations are one of the single most important things one can do for the health of their children. Although, it has been a subject of recent controversy, the benefits of being vaccinated far outweigh not being vaccinated. Instead of taking medical advice from an actress, or buying into the conspiracy theories that suggest the government is using immunizations in an attempt to poison the population, parents need to spend a little time doing some research on the matterRead MoreEssay on Vaccinations: a Clear Benefit2006 Words   |  9 PagesVaccinations: A Clear Benefit By: Julie Roberts June 19, 2005 Vaccination: A Clear Benefit A clear definition of a vaccination is, the generic term for immunization procedures. Immunization is a procedure whereby living or nonliving materials are introduced into the bodyÂ…: (Nosal, 1999) The concept that people who survive an infectious disease do not get the same disease again is the basis for the administering of vaccinations. Vaccines are normally given to healthy individuals forRead More Vaccinations: A Clear Benefit Essay1973 Words   |  8 PagesA clear definition of a vaccination is, â€Å"the generic term for immunization procedures. Immunization is a procedure whereby living or nonliving materials are introduced into the body†¦:† (Nosal, 1999) The concept that people who survive an infectious disease do not get the same disease again is the basis for the administering of vaccinations. Vaccines are normally given to healthy individuals for the prevention of diseases. Vaccines work by using a human host to provide a stimulus to the immune syste mRead MoreVaccinations And Its Effects On Children990 Words   |  4 PagesVaccinations are a preparation given to patients that provides acquired immunity to a specific disease. They contain either a live, weakened part or an inactive form created from a dead version of the viruses, causing the body to produce antibodies that will attack the virus if the body later comes into contact with the disease. A person can reduce the severity or eliminate the contraction of the disease completely. However, vaccinations have become a controversial topic and parts of the populationRead MoreVaccinations And Its Effects On Children979 Words   |  4 PagesVaccinations are a substance given to patients that provides acquired immunity to a specific disease. They contain either a live weakened part of the virus or an inactive form created from a dead version of the viruses, causing the body to produce antibodies that will attack the virus if the body later comes into contact with the disease. Th us, a person can reduce the severity of the disease or eliminate the contraction of the disease completely. However, vaccinations have become a controversial

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Climate Change On Daily Life And Eco System

Climate change is a change in distribution of weather patterns in the periods of time that range from millions to years. There are number of factor that cause the climate to changeover the time. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the factors that cause climate change. It also presents the effects of fossil fuel on climate change. Moreover, it discusses the impacts of climate change on daily life and eco system. 2 Climate Change Climate change can be a modification within the organization of weather patterns once that change lasts for an extended amount of your time. Climate modification might occur with a change in average climate, or within the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors like organic phenomenon processes variations in radiation received by earth, morphology, and volcanic eruptions. Some human activities have additionally been known as important causes of recent global climate, typically brought up as global warming. Temperature and dust can also force the climate to change over longer periods of time by blocking the sunlight availability to certain region and thus causing change in temperature. Carbon dioxide is also a great contributor to the climate change as is discussed in later sections, in connection to greenhouse effect and fossil fuels (Wikipedia, 2015). 3 Factors of Climate Change The climate change is caused by the following factors; 3.1 Green HouseShow MoreRelatedHuman And Natural Drivers Of Climate Change1732 Words   |  7 PagesClimate Change in relation to Architecture Tallis Holloway - s5015034 There are many human and natural drivers of climate change, cities and buildings in particular are increasingly affected by risks linked to rapid environmental changes and their impact themselves on the atmosphere however architect s can help limit many contributing factors. This paper examines the role of this profession, architecture s contribution to climate change mitigation/adaption and how architect s can assist in limitingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects On The Environment Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pagesacidification caused by carbon dioxide and water temperature are threatening 75 percent of the world’s coral reefs since the changes of water’s features make they unable to absorb calcium carbonate which makes up their shells. Moreover, climate change not only challenges scientists and climatologists, but also puts a big pressure on economists, sociologists and politics. The changes in climate can shift crop patterns. Additionally, extreme and fluctuated weathers such as droughts, floods, and heavy downpoursRead MoreThe Viable And Authorization Of Life Cycle Based Product Environmental Impacts1393 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract This paper discusses the use and importance of EPDs in the viable and authorization of life cycle-based product environmental impacts. The role and purpose of EPDs, market acceptance of EPD schemes, costs of EPDs to start using this information tool. It also concludes with a look at potential developments regarding the use of EPDs in support of product environmental claims. Finally, manufacturers who use EPDs help to create a greater public awareness of the environmental impact aspects ofRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects1432 Words   |  6 Pageseven the mass production of our products has an effect on climate change and contributes to global warming. Yet people tend to turn a blind eye to global warming and label it as a myth, whether they do not believe in it or it is not in their best financial interest to believe in it. Let us take a closer look at global warming and the effects it has on our people, homes and environments. Global Warming has become a rising problem in our world’s climate. It’s time we show the initiative to understandRead MoreThe Health Of Our Oceans1291 Words   |  6 Pageswarming, and climate changes; different types of pollution and the effects they have on marine life as well as life on land, including our own. My position is that without a healthy eco-system, which starts with the ocean, all life will eventually become extinct. People who live upon the coastline are not the only ones affected by ocean pollution, every single person on the globe is. We need our oceans for the resources they provide whether it is food or oxygen; our oceans regulate climate and weatherRead MoreThe Role Of Energy Development Sustainable Development Goals Essay1357 Words   |  6 Pagesmeet their own needs† (Brundtland report, 1987). This really emphasizes on the needs and the idea of limitations often related to the world’s poor on how to bridge the gap of needs and the environment (including climate) now and the future. Basically, it elaborates on the equality of the life between the rich and the poor (that is, how the poor can be on par with the rich) in terms of standard of living. Also, it draws attention to the use of green technologies in order to build a better and brighterRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warning On The World1208 Words   |  5 PagesIn truth before taking this class I never really cared a bout the environment, sure I would hear the occasional uproar about the effects of global warning or the growing hole in the ozone layer, however, it was always a non-factor. My passion has always been humans, their problems were my problems and I am always looking for a way to make their lives better. So, the planet may have been dying the ice caps may have been melting however I always believed that one day humans would solve the problemsRead Moreinvestigatory project3613 Words   |  15 PagesImprovised Eco- Friendly Evaporative Air Cooler An Investigatory Project To Division Science and Technology Fair September 22, 2012 Prepared by: Jay Warren S. Cabrera Judy Ann D. Fajiculay Queenie Ann S. Gutierrez September 2012 San Isidro National High School Lipa City Acknowledgement We would like to extend our profound gratitude to the following who helped us make this investigatory project possible. To our beloved principal, Mrs. Evangeline B. Escabel for believingRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1240 Words   |  5 PagesIn truth, before taking this class I never really cared about the environment, sure I would hear the occasional uproar about the effects of global warming or the growing hole in the ozone layer, however, it was always a non-factor. My passion has always been humans, their problems were my problems and I am always looking for a way to make their lives better. So, the planet may have been dying the ice caps may have been melting, however I always believed that one day humans would solve the problemsRead MoreThe Municipal Water And Water Quality1534 Words   |  7 PagesCanada. Although there is a common perception that Canada has the second water quality and water quantity in the world, Canadians are among the highest water user per capital by comparing with other countries. Furthermore, clean water is essential to life and our health, so fede ral government plays an important role to make sure our water suppliers are safe in Canada. Keywords: water quality, influencing factors, health, government intervention Water is used in all sectors of a society:

A Raisin In The Sun Analysis Essay Example For Students

A Raisin In The Sun Analysis Essay Outline1 Introduction2 The Dreams of Black People3 The Conflict of Lofty Dreams4 Dreaming through the eyes of everyone.5 Conclusion Introduction A Raisin in the Sun reveals that the story is about The Youngers, a black American family. The head of this family, Mr. Younger has died and the insurance money of 10,000 USD is due to his family. The comparative characters analysis in research papers of each persona shows that they have their dreams which they intend to realize and do not share each other’s dreams. Thus, they are divided on how the money should be spent. The dream of Mama is to build a house, that of Walter is to invest into a liquor company and the Beneathea’s is to invest in her medical education while she also harbors dreams of finding her identity in Africa. The dream of Walters wife is the same as the dream of Mama which is to ensure they have a more comfortable habitation. The Dreams of Black People Beneatha Younger was a loud, intelligent, and fresh-mouthed woman, her dream was to be a doctor and to somehow raise her people up. When Mama set aside the money for Beneathas education, Beneatha believed that her dream would be realized. When the money was discovered to be lost, she thought her dream blew up in smoke. This dream wasnt the quest that she was intended to do though, her quest was to find her African side and to connect with it. Beneatha started to fulfill this by talking to Asagai (a man from Africa). She told him, Mr. Asagai-I want every much to talk with you. About Africa. You see, Mr. Aasagai, I am looking for my identity. Asagai became a link to Africa for Beneatha, a guide to her ancestry/roots. In Act II, Beneatha shows how she has connected with her African roots by doing a ceremonial dance and by cutting her hair so that it would natural. In Act III, Beneatha has the opportunity to connect more with her roots when Asagai proposes to her. He wants her to go with him back to Africa so that she can practice medicine over there. This would be the fulfillment of Beneathas quest, not only does she bring out her African culture, but she also will go back and live it. Beneatha also brought out the African in other people as well. When Walter walked in drunk, he began to express himself as he looks back to the past. Walter had his own quests as well. Walter was a very important character in this book, he had some of the biggest dreams and the most ambition to fulfill those. Walters dream was to have an office and to be successful. He wanted to have a gardener and he wanted to be able to send his son to any school that he wanted. Walters quest was to be a man, a man can be trusted and a man who stands up in the face of adversity. At the end of Act II Scene I, Walter tells Mama, What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of this family. Walter wont grow up until he has the responsibilty of being head of the family, but Mama does entrust this to him later. It aint much, but its all I got in the world and Im putting it in your hands. Im telling you to be the head of this family fro now on like you supposed to be, Mama told Walter in Act II Scene II. This was the turning point for Walter, now Walter was entrusted to make the decisions for the family. His manhood was also put down though, especially after he lost the mone y. That is not a man. That is nothing but a toothless rat. Beneatha said this after Walter lost the money, but this also stripped Walters new manhood away. It wasnt even developed and it was already gone. Walters quest was fulfilled though, at the end of Act III he stood his ground against Mr. Lindner and decided to move. Mama said, He finally come into his manhood today, didnt he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain. Walter found his backbone and became a man, part of Mamas quest. Students and School Uniforms EssayMamas dream was to have a house of her own with a little garden for flowers. She was the matriarch of the family, after her husband died she was the one who had to look after the well being of the family. It was Mamas job to make the decisions and to make sure that everyone grew up correctly. Mamas quest was to pass on the job of head of the family on to Walter and to make sure that he was ready for it. When Mama entrusted the money to Walter, she gave him the power to make the decisions for the family. This was half of her quest, the other half was fulfilled when Walter became a man and decided to move to Clybourne Park. Clybourne Park was a white neighborhood but it was the most affordable for the family. Mama had used $3,500 for a down payment on the house, but when Walter lost the money the thought of moving was questionable. It was Walters decision to move or not, and he did. He crossed into manhood at that point, thus fulfilling the rest of M amas quest. These characters all had various quests/goals that were totally different from their dreams. These quests were fulfilled or were close to being fulfilled at the end of Act III. Beneathas dream was to become a doctor but her quest was to get in touch with her African roots. At the end of the book she had made her hair natural, performed a ceremonial dance, and was offered the chance to go to Africa and practice medicine there. Walters dream was to be successful but his quest was to be a man, head of the household. He became head of the household when Mama gave it to him and he truly became a man when he stood his ground and decided to move to Clybourne Park. Mamas dream was to own a house with a graden but her quest was to pass the role of head of the family to Walter and to make sure he became a man. Mama passed the role when she gave him the money and at the end of Act III she was pushing Walter to make the right decision. Each of these characters had a dream, but they also had a qu est to fulfill a road to travel. The dreams may have been deferred, but the quests were the things that really mattered.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Oregon Sales Tax Debate Essay Sample free essay sample

The argument on Oregon gross revenues revenue enhancement is economically cardinal in specifying the range of its economic position. However. like any other economic system. Oregon gross revenues revenue enhancement provides a tool for the authorities income every bit good as act uponing the range of net incomes by the manufacturers and Sellerss of the economic end products. Basically. the state went into an economic recession in the twelvemonth 2001. Due to the consequence of the same economic recession. the current argument is to supply evidences with which taxpayers would be returned their extra gross through revenue enhancement discounts as per the 1979 jurisprudence. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. gtconnect. com/articles/2006/03/02/news/oregon/thuore00. txt ) Gross saless revenue enhancements are of import beginnings of authorities income for the state since its 2001 recession. Through the legislative argument which seeks to supply a sum of $ 650 million as revenue enhancement discounts to the assorted taxpayers of single every bit good as corporate capacity. We will write a custom essay sample on Oregon Sales Tax Debate Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Economically. the revenue enhancement argument provides constructions for assorted economic deductions. At one degree. since the economic system is at recession. revenue enhancement rebates bases in being a possible attack with which the state can resuscitate its economic system. The argument is allied to supplying revenue enhancement discounts to the corporations and persons each of which provides constituents of gross revenues revenue enhancement through trade good ingestion ( single degree ) and production ( corporate degree ) . This is an of import tool if the enlargement of the Oregon economic system is neer to be compromised. Through such discounts. the cost of production for the corporations through the diverse array of resource inputs is reduced. This is done constructions that help to redefine the mode with which the cost of production can be safeguarded to being at the most appropriate degree. Elsewhere. revenue enhancement discounts to the single individuals would assist to increase their income as the providers of the resource inputs through employment to the corporations and as consumers of the corporate end product. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. gtconnect. com/articles/2006/03/02/news/oregon/thuore00. txt ) With deduction of economic recession. the Oregon economic system can merely be sustained and brought to growing and development through expansionary economic factors both in footings of pecuniary and financial policy tools. Through revenue enhancement discounts by the authorities. this is a tool for authorities disbursement in the economic system which helps to increase the income and money supply in the economic system. Since the stableness of the economic system is defined by the stableness of the round flow of income in the economic system. revenue enhancement discount would possibly be a benchmark for supplying support for adequate and optimum activity for economic growing and development. ( Arkelof. 2003. 1 ) Though the deduction of the revenue enhancement discount would be dearly-won in the short tally to the authorities which is even confronting shortages in its income capacity. the long tally position in the economic system is a position which helps to make economic efficiency. By and large. since revenue enhancement discount on sale revenue enhancement is authorities disbursement. the supply of money within the economic system would therefore grow in correspondence to the ratio of the authorities disbursement multiplier consequence. This would connote a greater range in its economic map. The short tally deduction of such gross revenues revenue enhancement discounts would hence be immense revenue enhancement influx from the gross revenues revenue enhancement remunerators when the economic activity of production and purchase of resource inputs is positively motivated. By and large. the future strength of higher gross revenues revenue enhancement can merely be provided by constructions t hat promote higher production and ingestion in the aggregative demand and supply. Such discounts provide strength for the round flow of income between the authorities. the families and the concern corporations. ( Britton. 2002. 1 ) Ideally. the consequence of higher gross revenues revenue enhancement to the state under the effects of recession can merely be developed through expansionary financial policy which can be achieved through decreased corporate gross revenues revenue enhancements and increased authorities disbursement. Through lower gross revenues revenue enhancements. this is a decrease in the cost of production for the corporations which would therefore assist to construct its productive capacity hence higher aggregative supply and aggregative demand. Elsewhere. through discount ( authorities disbursement ) . the economic system is supplied with higher consequence of economic threshold which increases the demand every bit good as the supply of trade goods. The long tally deduction of lower revenue enhancement and higher authorities disbursement in Oregon would be higher authorities gross through higher revenue enhancement grosss from the hereafter developed position of the state. Work cited. Arkelof. G. ( 2003 )Behavioral Macroeconomics and MacroeconomicBehavior. American Economist. vol. 47. Britton. A. ( 2002 )Macroeconomicss and History. Natural Institute Economic Review. 2002. Corvallis Gazette Times. Archived Articles. Retrieved on 18ThursdayMarch 2008 from. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. gtconnect. com/articles/2006/03/02/news/oregon/thuore00. txt

Sunday, March 15, 2020

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge At the beginning of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," we see a man standing over a bridge with a noose about his neck, as his execution is about to happen. The man has a thought before he is to be thrown over the side, and that is "If I could free my hands," from which an entire story develops. He sees himself escaping after the rope snaps and swimming in the creek while dodging shots from Union soldiers making his way home. At the moment of his arrival, his neck snaps for us to discover that he never left the bridge, and that all that had happened was in his mind in the instant that he was falling off the bridge to his death.The illusion of his mind is difficult to go through, but upon closer inspection, we see the little expression of reality on this alternate reality that Farquhar is experiencing.No mind games committeeAs he frees his hands, he gives reference to his own "superhuman strength." He also begins to note his surroundings with an ability that no human being can posse ss, as he can now see the "veining of each leaf - the very insects upon them," as his mind attempts to assure him that he is truly alive and experiencing these things around him.The entire story could not have taken place were the point of view from a source, other than one that could see into Peyton Farquhar's mind. Were it could be taken from anyone else, they would simply have seen him standing at the edge of the bridge, get thrown over, and his neck snap. But in taking you into the mind of the main character, we are unable to expect the ending that we as readers receive, because...

Friday, February 28, 2020

U.S. government policies on economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. government policies on economy - Essay Example Student loans Student loans in America are a form of financial assistance that are supposed to be refunded, converse to other forms of financial assistance, for example, grants and loans. Student loans play an extremely significant role in the higher education of America. Approximately 20 million American citizens go to college every year. In America, a large part of higher education is financed by learners and their families and is perceived to be a venture instead of a basic human liberty. Consequently, students usually graduate with augmented debt levels. Also, student loans are divided into private student loans and federal loans (Wear Simmons, 2008). The Survey of Consumer Finances, 2010, indicates that 45% of all households have significant student-loan debts. This has a negative impact on the economy and productivity. Student loans have diminished the quality of my life. If I successfully meet the debt to income ratio, I may not have the capacity to reserve sufficient funds fo r a deposit. The Center for Responsible Lending estimates that average-income households take approximately 20 years to make sufficient savings for a 10% down payment. I may also take longer to save for a down payment due to additional financial requirements. There are a number of recommendations to address this issue. One is promote extensive adoption of the college scorecard by postsecondary-education institutes. Another recommendation is to establish a properly designed refunding program for students who borrow loans. It is also imperative to incorporate private student loans under bankruptcy protection. Free Trade Free trade is a policy by which the administration does not interfere with exports or discriminate against imports by enforcing subsidies to exports or tariffs to imports or quotas. In the view of comparative advantage, free trade policy allows trading partners equal advantages from trade of services and goods. Free trade has governed prices which are as a consequence of government intervention in the economy through supply restraints or price adjustments (Pugel, 2007). Free trade has improved the quality of my life. For instance, if tariffs on imported sugar are reduced in America, the American manufacturers will receive lower prices and profits while I and other consumers will spend less for an identical amount of sugar due to the similar decreased prices. It also avails numerous items with relative ease. Recommendations include developing additional programs, for example, the trade Adjustment Assistance program which assists those who lose their manufacturing positions due to foreign imports. Nations with dissimilar advantages should be permitted to capitalize on their differences and trade. Research and Development Industry finances two-thirds of America’s research and development. Nonetheless, significant researches are performed by research universities. The federal government developed the foundation for the Nation’s land gra nt institution through the Morrill Acts 4. The federal government support for research and development has developed into a changing and complex web. This has impacted the investment patterns, the economy, and productivity of America (National Science Board, 2008). Research and development has enhanced the quality of life. The fast change has helped me monitor and understand the position of the country in research and development competitiveness. It has also helped me to discover what essential information may be lacking that would give correct examination of the country’

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Jurisdiction and National Security Policy Assignment

The Jurisdiction and National Security Policy - Assignment Example With limited types of cases that it can hear, The Federal Court hears cases that involve the United States as a party. The jurisdiction of the Federal Court System also includes cases that violate the U.S Constitution or general federal laws. Some of these laws are on copyright, patent, bankruptcy and maritime law cases. Another area of difference with the jurisdiction of State of California and the Federal Court System is that whereas the State of California Court System is not mandated to hear cases in which one or both parties live outside California, the Federal Court System is allowed to hear cases between citizens of different States, especially with the amount in contention exceeds $75,000. Finally, there are instances where both the State and Federal Courts have jurisdiction. It is the case, the parties involved choosing which of the two courts they would want to use. 2. Explain what national security policy is and identify the key policy-making actors in U.S foreign policy T he National Security Policy is a guiding principle of strategic national security plan prepared on a periodic basis by the executive arm of the United States Government. The policy is made up of major national security issues and ways by which the Administration plans to handle them. Though prepared by the Executive Arm of government, the National Security Policy is prepared for Congress.

Friday, January 31, 2020

The Formation of Diels-Alder Reactions Essay Example for Free

The Formation of Diels-Alder Reactions Essay The Diels-Alder reactions consist of a reversible dienophile and diene all in a one-step reaction initiated by head. These reactions form a six membered ring with at least one pi bond and two sigma bonds, making the reaction exothermic. The goal of the first part of these experiments is to make products that have a greater aromatic stabilization. In 1928, Otto Paul Hermann Diels and Kurt Alder first documented this type of reaction, hence the name Diels-Alder reactions. Their reaction is one of the more useful reactions done in chemistry because it does not require very much energy in order to make the cyclohexene ring and the result can create four stereo centers, making it compatible for a variety of functional groups which still has double bonds in the products. Dimethyl Tetraphenylphthalate. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone (0.100g), dimethyl acetylene-dicarboxylate (0.1mL), and nitrobenzene (1mL) was placed into a reaction tube with a boiling stick. The reaction was heated until the purple solution turns tan and refluxed. Ethanol(3mL) was stirred in after the solution was warm, and placed in ice. The solid was vacuum filtered, washed with ethanol, dried and weighed. Hexaphenylbenzene. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone (0.100g) and diphenylacetylene (500mg) was placed in a reaction tube and loosely capped. The solid was heated to reflux with a sad bath until the solid turned a brown color. The tube was shaken gently to bring about white solids at the bottom of the reaction tube. Diphenyl ether(2mL) was added and heated until the solid dissolved. The reaction tube was cooled again and had toluene(2mL) added then placed in ice. The product was vacuum filtered, washed with toluene, dried, and weighed. Tetraphenylnaphthalene. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone(0.500g), glyme(3mL), and a boiling chip was added to a reaction tube. Isoamyl nitrite(0.35mL) was added via syringe to reaction tube and heated to reflux for 2-5 minutes. Anthranilic acid(0.250g) and glyme(2mL) was dissolved in a separate reaction tube, then added to refluxing solution dropwise via pipette. The color changed from brown to yellow after 5 minutes, and then heat was added for another 2 min. The mixture was shaken and cooled to room temperature. Ethanol(10mL) and saturated sodium bicarbonate(5mL) was added to the solution and shaken to allow solid to form. The solid was vacuum filtered, washed two times with cold water, then two times with cold ethanol. The product is then recrystallized with nitrobenzene/ethanol, filtered, dried and weighed. The melting point was recorded. Triptycene. Anthracene(0.400g), isoamyl(0.4mL), glyme(4mL) and a boiling chip was placed into a reaction tube and heated using a sand bath. Anthranilic acid(0.520g) was dissolved into glyme(2mL). Anthranilic acid solution was added deopwise via pipette into refluxing apparatus over a twenty minute period, followed by isoamyl nitrite(0.4mL). the mixture was refluxed for an additional ten minutes, then cooled. Ethanol(5mL), 3 M sodium hydroxide solution(10mL) was added to solution. Mixture was filtered and rinsed with cold ethanol, then cold water, then took the crude weight of the product. The solid was placed into a round bottomed flask where maleic anhydride(0.200g) and triglyme(4mL) was added. The mixture was refluxed for five minutes, and cooled. Ethanol(2mL) and 3 M sodium hydroxide solution(6mL) was added to solution. The mixture was filtered and rinsed with cold ethanol and cold water, recrystallized with methanol, filtered, dried and weighted to get final product.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mistakes That Should Not Last A Lifetime :: essays research papers

Teenage pregnancy seems to be a growing problem in today’s society. The stereotypes that come along with being a pregnant teen have also grown. Most teenage mothers today are labeled as irresponsible, and at time are considered bed parents without being given a chance. It is true that careless decisions had to be made in order for the mother to have ever become pregnant, but it is completely unfair for all teenage mothers to have to carry these normal stereotypes. I believe that all teenage mothers should be given a chance to prove that they too can be responsible parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have met society’s stereotypical teenage parent. Heather Goode was a very close friend of mine in high school. At the beginning of our senior year, I found out that Heather was pregnant. She continues coming to school up until two weeks before Blake was born. After Blake was born, I never heard Heather talk of him, and I definitely never saw her taking care of him. He was always with her parents. Blake is about six months old now, and Heather still hardly spends any time with him. I see Blake every now and then, but he is always being taken care of by Heather’s parents. She has certainly fit right in to society’s typical teenage mother role, but two of my other friends have not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I would like to introduce you to Aubrey Shelton. Aubrey is nineteen years old, and she has an eight-month-old daughter named Bailee. I often spend time with the two of them, and it amazes me how mature Aubrey has become since Bailee was born. Before Bailee Aubrey was a cheerleader in high school, and has big plans of moving away to go to college. When she found out she was pregnant. She decided to complete her first semester of college before Bailee was born, and then to take the next two semesters off in order to spend time with her daughter. Aubrey has not put the responsibility of taking care of her child on her parents. Instead, she spends most of her time loving and caring for her daughter. It is a very rare occasion that I see Aubrey that she does not have Bailee right there with her. Even though she admits she never wanted a child at her age; she does everything she can to be just as good of a mother as someone who has planned their children.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Neiman Marcus Case

Neiman Marcus (NM), which mainly serves the high-end retail market, is currently facing a tough future. Although it currently enjoys high profit margins and has made significant improvements in its existing brand performance, its growth has plateaued. NM believes that there is only limited potential for growth of its current full-line stores while maintaining its exclusivity. As a result, it is considering other growth opportunities. The strategic goal is to increase its revenue by at least $150 million over the next 6 years while maintaining its attractive profit margins of 15%. Of the number of possible growth options, we recommend NM to grow via the Galleries concept. We believe that this concept is in line with its current core strength of creating and maintaining customer loyalty with luxury customers. Moreover, it can benefit from its existing customer base, efficient sales force and brand name. Our financial analysis further shows that the concept has the potential to match the revenue and profit goals. However, NM needs to carefully choose the gallery locations since there are some risks associated with direct competition with existing leaders and confusion among its current customers about the shift in brand-focus. Growth Options Neiman Marcus (NM) serves the high-end retail market mostly in US. Before analyzing the range of growth options available to NM, we performed a SWOT analysis [Exhibit 2] to understand NM’s current competitive situation. NM clearly targets the affluent US population and intends to serve the luxury market. The company’s goal is to create a personal shopping experience for its customers, and that involves having a highly competent sales staff as well as setting up a unique buying experience. One of the biggest competitive advantages for NM is the customer based marketing programs and events, like the InCircle programs which enhances customer loyalty. The catalog advertising is another core-competency that NM can leverage greatly from, since it drives about 50% of the sales of the customer that also shop at the stores. NM invests heavily in training and retaining its sales forces ia programs like the â€Å"Optimum Selling Program† and competitive compensation to the employees. It leverages the sales force to create a personal shopping experience to the affluent customer with the objective of enhancing the customer relationship and increasing the average customer spend. Considering that the target consumer segment is the affluent consumer who earns over $200,000 annually, th ere is limited growth potential within this high premium segment since acquiring new customers with high buying power needs is difficult. Thus, the focus is to increase customer retention and find creative ways for customers to spend more on NM products, with the following approaches * Brand extension :â€Å"Galleries† for jewelry; Specialty store for shoes * Geographical extension: Expand into Europe; increasing retail space within stores; * Portfolio extension: Acquisition(Saks); Open Sale-price stores likeâ€Å"(Nordstrum) rack† * Relationship extension : Enhance relationship with emerging designers Brand extensions via Galleries for the jewelry category would put NM in direct competition with the likes of Tiffany’s Co. This might impact the top line (Revenues) more than the bottom line (net income), considering that it would involve higher costs for development of the stores, and heavy investments in advertisement and customer retention. Geographic extensions like expanding into Europe would not have high impact on the top line nor is bottom line, considering there 50% higher penetration of designer owned stores. Moreover, NM might need significant time and investment to create its brand name and competent sales force team in such new but fiercely competitive market. Portfolio extension: Acquisition of Saks would definitely have a positive impact on both the top line and the bottom line. However, NM would need to be careful on how this would affect its relationship with the employees and the designers. However, sale-price stores would likely dilute the brand image for NM, and alienate some of its existing consumers Enhancing relationship with emerging designers would probably impact NM most on the bottom line than on the top line, considering it would be able to leverage purchasing power with the emerging designers, and extract higher margins from the merchandise. do we need to estimate top line/bottom line impact? ] Of all these options, the Galleries and Acquisition of Saks are the ones that can leverage NM’s core competencies to the best ability. These avenues provide an opportunity for leveraging the marketing catalogues, customer relationships, and employee satisfaction and retention. The acquisition of existing brands such as Saks is subject to more extraneous factors (negotiations, stock valuations, government regulations, merger risks, brand value distortion) and therefore unclear as a long term strategy. Neiman Marcus’ Positioning. Based on our understanding, we believe NM’s current positioning statement is: For the affluent customer who takes great pride in buying only top-line luxury clothing and accessories, NM store is your one-stop place for all your fashion needs since we only stock best assortment of designer boutiques and our friendly knowledgeable staff knows exactly what you are looking for. NM’s positioning is to attract the affluent consumer, with a household income of over $100,000, by providing high-end luxury lines of women’s and men’s apparel, Jewelry, Cosmetics/fragrances, Gifts, Women’s shoes and Accessories. The core competencies that NM engages to differentiate itself in the marketplace are exclusive high-end designer merchandise, personable, knowledgeable and highly competent sales staff that aims at not only achieving a high level of customer satisfaction, but also establishing themselves as a personal shopper for the customer. The sales staff is cross-trained in multiple departments, and is empowered to build long term relationships with their customers. This enables NM to provide a customized and personal experience for its clientele, thus encouraging them to be repeat customers and increase their spend at NM. NM utilizes another core-competency of catalogs for direct marketing, thus creating avenues to increase spend by the customers. One of the differentiators for NM, an un-imitable competency that creates barriers of entry is the customer based marketing programs, and events. The InCircle program is targeted to enhance customer relationships and brand loyalty. Special events and incentives are creating for the â€Å"creme-de-la-creme† spenders via the InCircle program that provides these customers to become repeat consumers via exquisite rewards programs and one-on-one customer service. About 40% of sales at NM were estimated from these programs and events organized by NM. Direct competitors for [Exhibit 3] NM include Saks 5th avenue and Nordstrum. Saks and NM differed in their approach to store formats. While NM had primarily focused on full line stores, Saks had developed other formats like restort stores, Main street stores, Off 5th stores, thus targeting different consumer segments. Nordstrom on the other hand had similar merchandise portfolio as NM, and was known for the level of personal customer attention and service it provided by building key relationships NM on the other hand provided multiple competencies that included specialty store variety (for specific designers) and department store scale and service. Quantitative Analysis of the Galleries Concept We performed a quantitative analysis to evaluate the Galleries concept. We made some key assumptions for the analysis. First, the revenue per sq. ft. or the three lines: fashion jewelry, precious jewelry and gifts would be equal to the current NM revenues in these departments. Second, the annual percentage revenue growth for Galleria would be equal to NM’s current annual revenue growth of 7%. Third, the allocation of space within the 10,000 sq. ft. galleria would be allocated to the existing ratios within the three departments. Using these assumptions, as shown in Exhibit a, we calculated the revenue per sq. ft. for the three lines. Using these values, we computed the expected revenue (base year) for one galleria (Exhibit b). We next constructed the pro-forma (Exhibit b) for one galleria for the next 6 years. We assumed that the revenue growth would be the same (7%), the gross margin and hence the COGS would be constant (56% which is the current weighted COGS for these three department). As seen in the pro-forma, we estimate each galleria will have revenues of $10. 8 million and Cash-flow (assuming EBT = EBTDA) of $2. 1 million by year 6. Using Present Value of the Cash flows (assumed equal to EBIT) at 15% discount rate, we estimate the payback period for each galleria on the initial investment of $5 million to be 5 years (2003 assuming base year is 1998). With additional revenue per galleria in Year 6 estimated at $10. 8 million, to achieve a financial goal of $200 million in additional revenue from the galleries by Year 6, NM would need to open 19 (200/10. ) galleries. This would require an overall investment of about $95 million in capital in the current year. The quantitative analysis indicate that if the three constituent departments of the galleries can perform at least at par with current levels (mainly in terms of revenue per sq. ft. and gross margins) , NM is very likely to fulfill the goal of $200 million in surplus revenue growth by year 6. In fact, since the payback period (at 15% discount rate) is 5 years, the IRR return from the investment is expected to be more than the required 15%. Thus the quantitative analysis is definitely is in favor of the galleries concept. Qualitative Analysis of the Galleries Concept The Galleries concept is to aimed to expand the per-customer spend of the target affluent consumer, by providing specialty stores for specific merchandise category. One of the viable options is to consider a Gallery which includes the departments that provide the highest revenue per sq. ft. amely Precious jewelry, fashion jewelry and Gifts, again targeting the same affluent customer segment. This concept makes sense for NM since it can leverage from its current strengths – loyalty program, dedicated and knowledgeable staff, and its existing brand value. Moreover, expanding the gallery concept in US where it already has an established brand name and elite-status makes perfect sense. However, as discussed before, the Jewelry and Gifts gallery concept would end up going head-to-head with a Tiffany’s store. Therefore NM needs to address the following risks for ensuring significant market share capture. First, considering that the flagship Tiffany’s store has a sales/sq ft ratio of over $3000 [Exhibit 1 and 4], NM needs to either increase the retail space for precious jewelry to improve from the overall expected $721 / sq. ft revenue (this is because precious jewelry in current NM stores earn a much higher $1669/ sq ft), or decrease the store gross selling space for the gallery. Second, expanding the number of Galleries excessively might rebrand NM in the minds of customers as jewelry focused company and might affect the sales of its other flagship products such as women’s apparel and shoes in original NM stores. Therefore, NM needs to be careful in choosing the locations of these new galleria stores and try to not choose locations where they currently exist. With regards to the locations of the new Gallery stores, we believe that NM needs to choose locations that are not competitively served (by Tiffany’s) in the Jewelry category, and also locations that do not have heavy overlap with its current locations. It is also important not to deviate from the target affluent consumer with high buying power index. Thus, we recommend the ollowing top 3 locations for NM to open the initial Gallery stores to ensure impactful market share capture. Based on how the galleries perform in these markets, NM can use the same criteria to open galleries in other markets. Seattle – Top most 1996 BPI; No Tiffany presence; some overlap with NM stores Cleveland – Ranked 2nd 1996 BPI; No Tiffany presence; some overlap with NM stores Sacramento – Ranked 3rd 1996 BPI; No Tiffany presence; hi gh overlap with NM stores Conclusion Based on the analysis of NM’s current positioning and its core competencies, we believe the Galleria concept presents a good growth opportunity for NM. Quantitatively, the concept has potential to fulfill both of NM’s current goals: revenue growth ($150-$200 million revenue growth over 6 years) and profit margin (Payback period for initial investment is under 6 years at desired 15% cost of capital). However, NM needs to be careful in choosing the locations for two reasons: to avoid head-to-head competition with existing jewelers such as Tiffany’s and to avoid confusion of its brand focus in the minds of its existing rich customer base.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How Culture Impact On Saudi Arabian Women s Perception Of...

This chapter presents the methodology and research methods used to explore how culture impacts on Saudi Arabian women’s perception of survivorship following treatment for breast cancer. First, the epistemological paradigm and the theoretical perspectives that guide the research process are described. The chapter includes the research methods (research’s question, aim and research design), followed by describing the interviews, sampling and the process of recruitment. Finally, data collection, management and analysis are explained. Methodology: 3.1 Epistemological perspective: The constructivist paradigm emerged from the phenomenological philosophy of Husserl and other German philosophers who studied the interpretive understanding or meaning called ‘hermeneutics’ (Dowling, 2007). A constructivism paradigm rejects the objective reality that can be known by the researcher through scientific inquiry which is dominant in other paradigms such as post-positivism (Gray, 2014). According to constructivism paradigm the reality is socially constructed (Mertens, 2005), which means that the reality as meaning and value are subjective and experiential which are created not discovered. This thesis proposes that the meaning of being a breast cancer survivor is mainly constructed by breast cancer survivors themselves, who are the only ones to know the experience of breast cancer from diagnosis until survivorship, and what it feels like. In terms of practice, this paradigm concerned with